Gear Up: Packing Your Bivouac Bag

If you’ve reached this page, you’ve likely just Googled ‘bivouac’ or ‘bivy’, after signing up for a milsim bivouac game without even knowing what the word ‘bivouac’ means. Well, it’s French, and as with all things French, it’s complicated. Simply put, it’s a long game with one or more nights in between, which also means you’ll be camping out in the wild. So much of what you’ll need is camping gear, but unlike your typical nature trip, men with guns are out stalking you in the cold dark night, and it’s perfectly fair game for them to take you out in your sleep.

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Safety On: Playing Sensibly

If you’re not a ‘chairsofter’ or ‘plinker’, you already know that airsoft is a sport where people shoot at other people. The rules may prohibit hand to hand combat, the projectiles may be plastic pellets, and the velocities may be lower than an airgun can achieve, but the hazard remains that could cause injury. Airsoft [...]

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The Basics

What is Airsoft? At its core, airsoft is a non-contact game of tag, where players are tagged out of play when hit by a plastic BB pellet fired by an airsoft gun. Embellishments on the rules of the game have produced major variations in the game types, but it is closest to the sport called [...]

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